Friday, October 24, 2014

Secret Society

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog! My name is Oscar Bermejo and I'm currently a student who is currently enrolled at LaGuardia Community College. This semester one of the class I currently enrolled in is Violence in American Art and Culture or better known at the college as ENN195, who is currently being taught by the professor Dr. Justin Rogers-Cooper this semester.

One of the themes  I decided to select that we were discussing during class was about the "Secert Society" that is shown through Caesar's Column.One of the passages I decide to choose about the secret society is "You have no idea," said Andrew,"the difficulty of obtaining information.It is a terrible organization. I do not think that anything like it has existed before on the earth...This organization he continued is called The Brotherhood of Destruction.It extends all over Europe and America,and numbers, I am told, one hundred million members. Can it be possible asked one gentleman , in astonishment?".(page 96-97)This passage really shows about how this secret society ,is keeping there organization to a secret. The people from the top had to send a spy in hope to get information about the people that are going to rebel against them. Even if the spy was among their ranks of the Brotherhood, he still couldn't lots of info about the people that were in it that were in demand.Even came down to one of the leaders were surprise to find out something like this existed in their society.There the reason on why it called a secret society, that it doesn't  have to catch the attention of the people that they are going to go against. "I will blindfold you-- not that I mistrust you,but that I have to satisfy the laws of our society and scruples of others...Every man present wore a black mask and a long cloak of dark material."(page 113-115) There are a couple of things that you must give up in order to be in society and there are rules that you must follow or there will be consequences. This organization has set a couple of ground rules, they also have tried there best attempted to keep them in secrets in order to succeed in there mission , so other organization can pick them off one by one. There hidden tactics and not making them know  are ways to make it sound that this secret organization is a made up story to scare them so it doesn't alarm there enemy. They had to send people in to find out if this place exists, only way to find that is by going inside the organization and they don't take kind to spies or anyone that betrays them. I believe that this is sort of relate to our society, where there are certain things that you can do to be in, but once you in it, you can't talk about the security society to the public or they will have to take you out .One example could be such as the Illuminati ( don't say it true but anything is possible) where they are secretly in power taking control of people and power in the shadow  or once you get into this society you have everything you want but once you don't obey what they tell you to do, they eliminate you. Nobody really knows that these secret society exist, but there are things that go around stating that it true, such like Brotherhood in the story.

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